根據十二生肖和方位之間的五行生克關系,十二生肖在睡覺的時候,床頭的位置擺放應遵照以下原則。注意:床頭朝北的意思是——人背靠床頭,面朝的方向是北方,也就是床頭在南方。 1. 屬鼠、屬豬:吉利朝向——朝北、朝西;大兇朝向——西北、西南; 2. 屬虎、屬兔:吉利朝向——朝東、朝南、朝北;大兇朝向——。 See more
聚宝盆的摆放位置. 1、用聚宝盆来放大财气,在东北方可以摆放聚宝盆加硬币来放大财源,聚拢财气,但不宜加水,因为东北方不宜有水。 2、聚宝盆可以摆放在存钱筒、收银机、保险柜、钱柜的上下左右接触的位置,有聚气、聚财的效果,且必须保持其干净 ...
ONAY 公司避雷針安裝影片
Change , originally known as Henge (姮娥), is the goddess of the Moon and wife of Hou Yi, the great archer. Renowned by her beauty, Change is also known for her ascending to the Moon with her pet Yu Tu, the Moon Rabbit and living in the Moon Palace (廣寒宮). She is one of the major goddesses in Chinese mythology, Chinese folk religion, Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. In moder…
Tâi-oân Sio̍k-gí 台灣俗語http://tosg.3dgowl.com/taioansiokgi/soa%e2%81%bf-teng-bo-ho-kio-soa%e2%81%bf-kha-bo-ho-in/Chú-káng 主講: A-bêngPian-chi̍p ...